- 10/08/2024: Added a last.fm widget to About Me!
- 10/07/2024: Added Westopolis to the (newly renamed) Mutauls/Neighbors section of Cool Links, + added some more questions to my guestbook form!!! Feel free to fill it out if you want me to know ur favorite color :3. Also, added some more stuff to the To-Do list 😅
- 10/03/2024: Added lots more stamps! Also updated the pronouns blinkie on the About Me page :3
- 07/22/2024: Picture on my about page is now random! There's a few options, I had more to choose from but I went with the most accurate/up to date ones. Eventuallyâ„¢ I'll add a page for avatars/picrews and include the less up to date ones that r still good but not rn :P, also I updated the to do list on the index to be up to date
- 07/14/2024: Added a link to my MyAnimeList profile on About Me. I started using it since my girlfriend is using it, even if I'm not an avid anime watcher. I like their scoring system better than other sites ngl (since each rating out of 10 has a specific label, makes it feel less abstract. newgrounds does something a bit similar but it's not a media tracking site lol)
- 07/08/2024: Added a field to put ur website in the new guestbook bc I forgot to earlier. oops!
- 06/23/2024: Added the widget for the Psycho Helmet webring! it's on the home page like the others. I also commented that old webring out bc it was linked to my old url and the person who runs it hasnt gotten back to me within almost a year lol
- 06/22/2024: Added a warning to Cool Links that some pages may not be suitable for everyone 14+, since my site has that rating. Rearranged Cool Links so that "Resources" is now "Web + Art Resources," and "Mods Emulation and Fangames" is now "Gaming Resources," with some links rearranged to accommodate. Added links to Mutuals, Gaming Resources, and Misc.
- 06/18/2024: Added a new guestbook! As well as links to archives of the old one. Also, got rid of the on hover affect for images that would pixelate them.
- 05/30/2024 (technically it's the 31st but who cares): Added a function to view images rendered by the pixels when you hover over them. The teeny towers page has this applied to all of its images, and I added a div for specific images to be rendered this way always that I will impiment at some pointâ„¢.
- 05/29/2024: Minor formatting fix for the about page that stops it from being fucked up and evil (having the about text overlap the status bubble)
- 05/22/2024: Added some buttons to footer; added demonedaway.net to cool links under mutuals, Peppina and the Magical Tower of Pizza under fansties, and w3schoolds under resources, updated wackyworkbench's button; on about me, added links + widgegt to status.cafe, updated the pronouns blinkie, and added my chumhandle for the pesterchum irc client; added and rearranged some stamps; updated + cleaned up the to-do list
- 04/02/2024: Added Pokemon Hard Mode to the comics list. It's the first ever Nuzlocke, u gotta read it! Also added 0s at the start of every changleog date so everything lines up vertically. Learning how to format plays changes a gal.
- 03/30/2024: Got rid of the image hover effect- I will replace it with something else but I no longer fw with the enlarging effect.
- 03/29/2024: Added lunasn0wfall to the mutuals section of cool links.
- 03/24/2024: Added a stamp to the stamps page, a button to the footer, some buttons to the links pages, and fixed the img thing so the blinkexhcnage thing doesn't fuck up mobile.
- 03/23/2024: I removed the img thing bc it fucked up the about page. i'll figure it out l8r.
- 03/23/2024: Site is no longer blue but I changed the link color to have better contrast with the green. Also changed the site name again from Sky Sanctuary to Catgirl Cassie Zone. Added max-wdith to imaes for better mobile support (this also makes the teeny towers page worse on mobile oops teehee)
- 03/23/2024: Added some more stamps :), re-added mobile layout support, changed the site name, changed around the css colors (i have the original ones saved but i wanted to try a different color scheme out. expect some more experimentation in the future.)
- 03/22/2024: Added a resolution and zoom disclaimer on the homepage, and changed the padding on main from 2% to 1em (after trying 1.5%). Added some more sites to cool links, including to a brand new mutuals section :D. I also changed the tab title and removed the !s from the header. Including cool links, I changed a lot of the headers to be less enthusiastic- it's a bit tiring being so enthusiastic about being a webmaster all the time, sometimes a girl needs to tone it down a bit for her own sake :)
- 03/21/2024: Did some rearranging of the homepage: The webrings are in their own container, and the under contsruction gif is now next to the age rating.
- 03/20/2024: Added the widget for DSring (bc I am now apart of it :D)
- 03/20/2024: Added a few more stamps, replaced the Crygor Crisis button with a new one.
- 03/20/2024: Added widget for the WiiRing on the homepage- which I am now a member of B3
- 03/20/2024: Added a stamp collection page!!!!!!
- 03/20/2024: Seperated the websites in cool links by category. Added a few sites to the personal sites section as well.
- 03/19/2024: Added Cucumber Quest and Laika's Comet to the comics section of Cool Links. Cucumber Quest is now the only banner link there, lol
- 03/19/2024: Replaced the under construction gif in about me with my mii. Will impliment a random avatar function there eventuallyâ„¢, but first I should set up an avatar gallery page.
- 03/18/2024: No more hotlinking on cool links!!!!! also added a "ublock now!" button 2 the footer.
- 03/18/2024: About Me: Commented out the clique stuff and added a link to my imood profile (unnessicary but hey, why not lol). Index: updated the todo list to match me adding a changelog + added a thing to the list. im not telling u go check 4 urself >:3c
- 03/17/2024: Added buttons for imood and Not Enough Rings to Cool Links under the websites and webcomics sections respectively. Finally Homestuck has a friend! I also changed the title on the page to be in title case, idk what I was cooking with it being in sentence case.
- 03/17/2024: Added widget and submitted application form for the Transing the Internet webring. It's off center but I will fix that eventually! not rn bc im tired,,,,
- 03/17/2024: Changed padding of main from 1% to 2%
- 03/17/2024: Added a changelog!!!
- 03/17/2024: Made default lists look like normal lists by making the horizontal lists into a div